> Investors in the Environment Award for Bishopton Vets!

Investors in the Environment Award for Bishopton Vets!

Mon 2nd October 2023
We are delighted to achieve the Investors in the Environment Bronze Award!

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved our Investors in the Environment Bronze Award. 

The Investors in the Environment (iiE) accreditation requires an organisation to provide evidence it has met a range of criteria, set targets to reduce its environmental impact and taken action to improve performance whilst enhancing the community in which it operates. The audit assesses five key areas;

        • Environmental policy

        • Resource management and monitoring

        • Progress against targets

        • Action planning including social/ environmental projects

        • Communication

We achieved an overall score of 87%, gaining an outstanding 100% in the ‘environmental and social projects’ section for our May Sustainability campaign, Bee Friendly Practice scheme, Thirsk wildflower meadow, and recycled clothing and mugs. We also scored 100% for  ‘communication’ where they praised our links between all team members via emails, meetings, Guild, social media and our internal newsletter 'The Bugle' – proof that amazing teamwork is what makes BVG special!

Our plan now is to build on our success and go for the Silver Award next year! Well done Team!